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Writing custom platform-specific code

  • Architectural overview: platform channels
    • Platform channel data types support and codecs
  • Example: Calling platform-specific Android, iOS, and Windows code using platform channels
    • Step 1: Create a new app project
    • Step 2: Create the Flutter platform client
    • Step 3: Add an Android platform-specific implementation
    • Step 4: Add an iOS platform-specific implementation
    • Step 5: Add a Windows platform-specific implementation
  • Typesafe platform channels using Pigeon
    • Pigeon example
  • Separate platform-specific code from UI code
  • Publish platform-specific code as a package
  • Custom channels and codecs
  • Channels and platform threading
    • Executing channel handlers on background threads
    • Jumping to the UI thread in Android
    • Jumping to the main thread in iOS

This guide describes how to write custom platform-specific code. Some platform-specific functionality is available through existing packages; see using packages.

Flutter uses a flexible system that allows you to call platform-specific APIs in a language that works directly with those APIs:

  • Kotlin or Java on Android
  • Swift or Objective-C on iOS
  • C++ on Windows
  • Objective-C on macOS
  • C on Linux

Flutter's builtin platform-specific API support doesn't rely on code generation, but rather on a flexible message passing style. Alternatively, you can use the Pigeon package for sending structured typesafe messages with code generation:

  • The Flutter portion of the app sends messages to its host, the non-Dart portion of the app, over a platform channel.

  • The host listens on the platform channel, and receives the message. It then calls into any number of platform-specific APIs—using the native programming language—and sends a response back to the client, the Flutter portion of the app.

Architectural overview: platform channels

Messages are passed between the client (UI) and host (platform) using platform channels as illustrated in this diagram:

Platform channels architecture

Messages and responses are passed asynchronously, to ensure the user interface remains responsive.

On the client side, MethodChannel enables sending messages that correspond to method calls. On the platform side, MethodChannel on Android (MethodChannelAndroid) and FlutterMethodChannel on iOS (MethodChanneliOS) enable receiving method calls and sending back a result. These classes allow you to develop a platform plugin with very little 'boilerplate' code.

Platform channel data types support and codecs

The standard platform channels use a standard message codec that supports efficient binary serialization of simple JSON-like values, such as booleans, numbers, Strings, byte buffers, and Lists and Maps of these (see StandardMessageCodec for details). The serialization and deserialization of these values to and from messages happens automatically when you send and receive values.

The following table shows how Dart values are received on the platform side and vice versa:

Dart Java
null null
bool java.lang.Boolean
int java.lang.Integer
int, if 32 bits not enough java.lang.Long
double java.lang.Double
String java.lang.String
Uint8List byte[]
Int32List int[]
Int64List long[]
Float32List float[]
Float64List double[]
List java.util.ArrayList
Map java.util.HashMap
Dart Kotlin
null null
bool Boolean
int Int
int, if 32 bits not enough Long
double Double
String String
Uint8List ByteArray
Int32List IntArray
Int64List LongArray
Float32List FloatArray
Float64List DoubleArray
List List
Map HashMap
Dart Objective-C
null nil (NSNull when nested)
bool NSNumber numberWithBool:
int NSNumber numberWithInt:
int, if 32 bits not enough NSNumber numberWithLong:
double NSNumber numberWithDouble:
String NSString
Uint8List FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithBytes:
Int32List FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithInt32:
Int64List FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithInt64:
Float32List FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithFloat32:
Float64List FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithFloat64:
List NSArray
Map NSDictionary
Dart Swift
null nil
bool NSNumber(value: Bool)
int NSNumber(value: Int32)
int, if 32 bits not enough NSNumber(value: Int)
double NSNumber(value: Double)
String String
Uint8List FlutterStandardTypedData(bytes: Data)
Int32List FlutterStandardTypedData(int32: Data)
Int64List FlutterStandardTypedData(int64: Data)
Float32List FlutterStandardTypedData(float32: Data)
Float64List FlutterStandardTypedData(float64: Data)
List Array
Map Dictionary
Dart C++
null EncodableValue()
bool EncodableValue(bool)
int EncodableValue(int32_t)
int, if 32 bits not enough EncodableValue(int64_t)
double EncodableValue(double)
String EncodableValue(std::string)
Uint8List EncodableValue(std::vector)
Int32List EncodableValue(std::vector)
Int64List EncodableValue(std::vector)
Float32List EncodableValue(std::vector)
Float64List EncodableValue(std::vector)
List EncodableValue(std::vector)
Map EncodableValue(std::map<EncodableValue, EncodableValue>)
Dart C (GObject)
null FlValue()
bool FlValue(bool)
int FlValue(int62_t)
double FlValue(double)
String FlValue(gchar*)
Uint8List FlValue(uint8_t*)
Int32List FlValue(int32_t*)
Int64List FlValue(int64_t*)
Float32List FlValue(float*)
Float64List FlValue(double*)
List FlValue(FlValue)
Map FlValue(FlValue, FlValue)

Example: Calling platform-specific Android, iOS, and Windows code using platform channels

The following code demonstrates how to call a platform-specific API to retrieve and display the current battery level. It uses the Android BatteryManager API, the iOS device.batteryLevel API, and the Windows GetSystemPowerStatus API with a single platform message, getBatteryLevel().

The example adds the platform-specific code inside the main app itself. If you want to reuse the platform-specific code for multiple apps, the project creation step is slightly different (see developing packages), but the platform channel code is still written in the same way.

Step 1: Create a new app project

Start by creating a new app:

  • In a terminal run: flutter create batterylevel

By default, our template supports writing Android code using Kotlin, or iOS code using Swift. To use Java or Objective-C, use the -i and/or -a flags:

  • In a terminal run: flutter create -i objc -a java batterylevel

Step 2: Create the Flutter platform client

The app's State class holds the current app state. Extend that to hold the current battery state.

First, construct the channel. Use a MethodChannel with a single platform method that returns the battery level.

The client and host sides of a channel are connected through a channel name passed in the channel constructor. All channel names used in a single app must be unique; prefix the channel name with a unique 'domain prefix', for example:

            import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart';          
            class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {   static const platform = MethodChannel('');   // Get battery level.          

Next, invoke a method on the method channel, specifying the concrete method to call using the String identifier getBatteryLevel. The call might fail—for example, if the platform doesn't support the platform API (such as when running in a simulator), so wrap the invokeMethod call in a try-catch statement.

Use the returned result to update the user interface state in _batteryLevel inside setState.

            // Get battery level. String _batteryLevel = 'Unknown battery level.';  Future<void> _getBatteryLevel() async {   String batteryLevel;   try {     final int result = await platform.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');     batteryLevel = 'Battery level at $result % .';   } on PlatformException catch (e) {     batteryLevel = "Failed to get battery level: '${e.message}'.";   }    setState(() {     _batteryLevel = batteryLevel;   }); }          

Finally, replace the build method from the template to contain a small user interface that displays the battery state in a string, and a button for refreshing the value.

            @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {   return Material(     child: Center(       child: Column(         mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,         children: [           ElevatedButton(             onPressed: _getBatteryLevel,             child: const Text('Get Battery Level'),           ),           Text(_batteryLevel),         ],       ),     ),   ); }          

Step 3: Add an Android platform-specific implementation

Start by opening the Android host portion of your Flutter app in Android Studio:

  1. Start Android Studio

  2. Select the menu item File > Open…

  3. Navigate to the directory holding your Flutter app, and select the android folder inside it. Click OK.

  4. Open the file MainActivity.kt located in the kotlin folder in the Project view.

Inside the configureFlutterEngine() method, create a MethodChannel and call setMethodCallHandler(). Make sure to use the same channel name as was used on the Flutter client side.

                                  import                  androidx.annotation.NonNull                  import                          import                  io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine                  import                  io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel                  class                  MainActivity                  :                  FlutterActivity                  ()                  {                  private                  val                  CHANNEL                  =                  ""                  override                  fun                  configureFlutterEngine                  (                  @NonNull                  flutterEngine                  :                  FlutterEngine                  )                  {                  super                  .                  configureFlutterEngine                  (                  flutterEngine                  )                  MethodChannel                  (                  flutterEngine                  .                  dartExecutor                  .                  binaryMessenger                  ,                  CHANNEL                  ).                  setMethodCallHandler                  {                  call                  ,                  result                  ->                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  // TODO                  }                  }                  }                              

Add the Android Kotlin code that uses the Android battery APIs to retrieve the battery level. This code is exactly the same as you would write in a native Android app.

First, add the needed imports at the top of the file:

                                  import                  android.content.Context                  import                  android.content.ContextWrapper                  import                  android.content.Intent                  import                  android.content.IntentFilter                  import                  android.os.BatteryManager                  import                  android.os.Build.VERSION                  import                  android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES                              

Next, add the following method in the MainActivity class, below the configureFlutterEngine() method:

                                  private                  fun                  getBatteryLevel                  ():                  Int                  {                  val                  batteryLevel                  :                  Int                  if                  (                  VERSION                  .                  SDK_INT                  >=                  VERSION_CODES                  .                  LOLLIPOP                  )                  {                  val                  batteryManager                  =                  getSystemService                  (                  Context                  .                  BATTERY_SERVICE                  )                  as                  BatteryManager                  batteryLevel                  =                  batteryManager                  .                  getIntProperty                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  BATTERY_PROPERTY_CAPACITY                  )                  }                  else                  {                  val                  intent                  =                  ContextWrapper                  (                  applicationContext                  ).                  registerReceiver                  (                  null                  ,                  IntentFilter                  (                  Intent                  .                  ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED                  ))                  batteryLevel                  =                  intent                  !!                  .                  getIntExtra                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  EXTRA_LEVEL                  ,                  -                  1                  )                  *                  100                  /                  intent                  .                  getIntExtra                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  EXTRA_SCALE                  ,                  -                  1                  )                  }                  return                  batteryLevel                  }                              

Finally, complete the setMethodCallHandler() method added earlier. You need to handle a single platform method, getBatteryLevel(), so test for that in the call argument. The implementation of this platform method calls the Android code written in the previous step, and returns a response for both the success and error cases using the result argument. If an unknown method is called, report that instead.

Remove the following code:

                                  MethodChannel                  (                  flutterEngine                  .                  dartExecutor                  .                  binaryMessenger                  ,                  CHANNEL                  ).                  setMethodCallHandler                  {                  call                  ,                  result                  ->                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  // TODO                  }                              

And replace with the following:

                                  MethodChannel                  (                  flutterEngine                  .                  dartExecutor                  .                  binaryMessenger                  ,                  CHANNEL                  ).                  setMethodCallHandler                  {                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  call                  ,                  result                  ->                  if                  (                  call                  .                  method                  ==                  "getBatteryLevel"                  )                  {                  val                  batteryLevel                  =                  getBatteryLevel                  ()                  if                  (                  batteryLevel                  !=                  -                  1                  )                  {                  result                  .                  success                  (                  batteryLevel                  )                  }                  else                  {                  result                  .                  error                  (                  "UNAVAILABLE"                  ,                  "Battery level not available."                  ,                  null                  )                  }                  }                  else                  {                  result                  .                  notImplemented                  ()                  }                  }                              

Start by opening the Android host portion of your Flutter app in Android Studio:

  1. Start Android Studio

  2. Select the menu item File > Open…

  3. Navigate to the directory holding your Flutter app, and select the android folder inside it. Click OK.

  4. Open the file located in the java folder in the Project view.

Next, create a MethodChannel and set a MethodCallHandler inside the configureFlutterEngine() method. Make sure to use the same channel name as was used on the Flutter client side.

                                  import                  androidx.annotation.NonNull                  ;                  import                          ;                  import                  io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine                  ;                  import                  io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel                  ;                  public                  class                  MainActivity                  extends                  FlutterActivity                  {                  private                  static                  final                  String                  CHANNEL                  =                  ""                  ;                  @Override                  public                  void                  configureFlutterEngine                  (                  @NonNull                  FlutterEngine                  flutterEngine                  )                  {                  super                  .                  configureFlutterEngine                  (                  flutterEngine                  );                  new                  MethodChannel                  (                  flutterEngine                  .                  getDartExecutor                  ().                  getBinaryMessenger                  (),                  CHANNEL                  )                  .                  setMethodCallHandler                  (                  (                  call                  ,                  result                  )                  ->                  {                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  // TODO                  }                  );                  }                  }                              

Add the Android Java code that uses the Android battery APIs to retrieve the battery level. This code is exactly the same as you would write in a native Android app.

First, add the needed imports at the top of the file:

                                  import                  android.content.ContextWrapper                  ;                  import                  android.content.Intent                  ;                  import                  android.content.IntentFilter                  ;                  import                  android.os.BatteryManager                  ;                  import                  android.os.Build.VERSION                  ;                  import                  android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES                  ;                  import                  android.os.Bundle                  ;                              

Then add the following as a new method in the activity class, below the configureFlutterEngine() method:

                                  private                  int                  getBatteryLevel                  ()                  {                  int                  batteryLevel                  =                  -                  1                  ;                  if                  (                  VERSION                  .                  SDK_INT                  >=                  VERSION_CODES                  .                  LOLLIPOP                  )                  {                  BatteryManager                  batteryManager                  =                  (                  BatteryManager                  )                  getSystemService                  (                  BATTERY_SERVICE                  );                  batteryLevel                  =                  batteryManager                  .                  getIntProperty                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  BATTERY_PROPERTY_CAPACITY                  );                  }                  else                  {                  Intent                  intent                  =                  new                  ContextWrapper                  (                  getApplicationContext                  ()).                  registerReceiver                  (                  null                  ,                  new                  IntentFilter                  (                  Intent                  .                  ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED                  ));                  batteryLevel                  =                  (                  intent                  .                  getIntExtra                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  EXTRA_LEVEL                  ,                  -                  1                  )                  *                  100                  )                  /                  intent                  .                  getIntExtra                  (                  BatteryManager                  .                  EXTRA_SCALE                  ,                  -                  1                  );                  }                  return                  batteryLevel                  ;                  }                              

Finally, complete the setMethodCallHandler() method added earlier. You need to handle a single platform method, getBatteryLevel(), so test for that in the call argument. The implementation of this platform method calls the Android code written in the previous step, and returns a response for both the success and error cases using the result argument. If an unknown method is called, report that instead.

Remove the following code:

                                  (                  call                  ,                  result                  )                  ->                  {                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  // TODO                  }                              

And replace with the following:

                                  (                  call                  ,                  result                  )                  ->                  {                  // This method is invoked on the main thread.                  if                  (                  call                  .                  method                  .                  equals                  (                  "getBatteryLevel"                  ))                  {                  int                  batteryLevel                  =                  getBatteryLevel                  ();                  if                  (                  batteryLevel                  !=                  -                  1                  )                  {                  result                  .                  success                  (                  batteryLevel                  );                  }                  else                  {                  result                  .                  error                  (                  "UNAVAILABLE"                  ,                  "Battery level not available."                  ,                  null                  );                  }                  }                  else                  {                  result                  .                  notImplemented                  ();                  }                  }                              

You should now be able to run the app on Android. If using the Android Emulator, set the battery level in the Extended Controls panel accessible from the button in the toolbar.

Step 4: Add an iOS platform-specific implementation

Start by opening the iOS host portion of your Flutter app in Xcode:

  1. Start Xcode.

  2. Select the menu item File > Open….

  3. Navigate to the directory holding your Flutter app, and select the ios folder inside it. Click OK.

Add support for Swift in the standard template setup that uses Objective-C:

  1. Expand Runner > Runner in the Project navigator.

  2. Open the file AppDelegate.swift located under Runner > Runner in the Project navigator.

Override the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function and create a FlutterMethodChannel tied to the channel name

                                  @UIApplicationMain                  @objc                  class                  AppDelegate                  :                  FlutterAppDelegate                  {                  override                  func                  application                  (                  _                  application                  :                  UIApplication                  ,                  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions                  launchOptions                  :                  [                  UIApplication                  .                  LaunchOptionsKey                  :                  Any                  ]?)                  ->                  Bool                  {                  let                  controller                  :                  FlutterViewController                  =                  window                  ?                  .                  rootViewController                  as!                  FlutterViewController                  let                  batteryChannel                  =                  FlutterMethodChannel                  (                  name                  :                  ""                  ,                  binaryMessenger                  :                  controller                  .                  binaryMessenger                  )                  batteryChannel                  .                  setMethodCallHandler                  ({                  (                  call                  :                  FlutterMethodCall                  ,                  result                  :                  @escaping                  FlutterResult                  )                  ->                  Void                  in                  // This method is invoked on the UI thread.                  // Handle battery messages.                  })                  GeneratedPluginRegistrant                  .                  register                  (                  with                  :                  self                  )                  return                  super                  .                  application                  (                  application                  ,                  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions                  :                  launchOptions                  )                  }                  }                              

Next, add the iOS Swift code that uses the iOS battery APIs to retrieve the battery level. This code is exactly the same as you would write in a native iOS app.

Add the following as a new method at the bottom of AppDelegate.swift:

                                  private                  func                  receiveBatteryLevel                  (                  result                  :                  FlutterResult                  )                  {                  let                  device                  =                  UIDevice                  .                  current                  device                  .                  isBatteryMonitoringEnabled                  =                  true                  if                  device                  .                  batteryState                  ==                  UIDevice                  .                  BatteryState                  .                  unknown                  {                  result                  (                  FlutterError                  (                  code                  :                  "UNAVAILABLE"                  ,                  message                  :                  "Battery level not available."                  ,                  details                  :                  nil                  ))                  }                  else                  {                  result                  (                  Int                  (                  device                  .                  batteryLevel                  *                  100                  ))                  }                  }                              

Finally, complete the setMethodCallHandler() method added earlier. You need to handle a single platform method, getBatteryLevel(), so test for that in the call argument. The implementation of this platform method calls the iOS code written in the previous step. If an unknown method is called, report that instead.

                                  batteryChannel                  .                  setMethodCallHandler                  ({                  [                  weak                  self                  ]                  (                  call                  :                  FlutterMethodCall                  ,                  result                  :                  FlutterResult                  )                  ->                  Void                  in                  // This method is invoked on the UI thread.                  guard                  call                  .                  method                  ==                  "getBatteryLevel"                  else                  {                  result                  (                  FlutterMethodNotImplemented                  )                  return                  }                  self                  ?                  .                  receiveBatteryLevel                  (                  result                  :                  result                  )                  })                              

Start by opening the iOS host portion of the Flutter app in Xcode:

  1. Start Xcode.

  2. Select the menu item File > Open….

  3. Navigate to the directory holding your Flutter app, and select the ios folder inside it. Click OK.

  4. Make sure the Xcode projects builds without errors.

  5. Open the file AppDelegate.m, located under Runner > Runner in the Project navigator.

Create a FlutterMethodChannel and add a handler inside the application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Make sure to use the same channel name as was used on the Flutter client side.

                                  #import <Flutter/Flutter.h> #import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h"                                    @implementation                  AppDelegate                  -                  (                  BOOL                  )                  application                  :(                  UIApplication                  *                  )                  application                  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions                  :(                  NSDictionary                  *                  )                  launchOptions                  {                  FlutterViewController                  *                  controller                  =                  (                  FlutterViewController                  *                  )                  self                  .                  window                  .                  rootViewController                  ;                  FlutterMethodChannel                  *                  batteryChannel                  =                  [                  FlutterMethodChannel                  methodChannelWithName:                  @""                  binaryMessenger:                  controller                  .                  binaryMessenger                  ];                  [                  batteryChannel                  setMethodCallHandler                  :                  ^                  (                  FlutterMethodCall                  *                  call                  ,                  FlutterResult                  result                  )                  {                  // This method is invoked on the UI thread.                  // TODO                  }];                  [                  GeneratedPluginRegistrant                  registerWithRegistry                  :                  self                  ];                  return                  [                  super                  application                  :                  application                  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions                  :                  launchOptions                  ];                  }                              

Next, add the iOS ObjectiveC code that uses the iOS battery APIs to retrieve the battery level. This code is exactly the same as you would write in a native iOS app.

Add the following method in the AppDelegate class, just before @end:

                                  -                  (                  int                  )                  getBatteryLevel                  {                  UIDevice                  *                  device                  =                  UIDevice                  .                  currentDevice                  ;                  device                  .                  batteryMonitoringEnabled                  =                  YES                  ;                  if                  (                  device                  .                  batteryState                  ==                  UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown                  )                  {                  return                  -                  1                  ;                  }                  else                  {                  return                  (                  int                  )(                  device                  .                  batteryLevel                  *                  100                  );                  }                  }                              

Finally, complete the setMethodCallHandler() method added earlier. You need to handle a single platform method, getBatteryLevel(), so test for that in the call argument. The implementation of this platform method calls the iOS code written in the previous step, and returns a response for both the success and error cases using the result argument. If an unknown method is called, report that instead.

                                  __weak                  typeof                  (                  self                  )                  weakSelf                  =                  self                  ;                  [                  batteryChannel                  setMethodCallHandler                  :                  ^                  (                  FlutterMethodCall                  *                  call                  ,                  FlutterResult                  result                  )                  {                  // This method is invoked on the UI thread.                  if                  ([                  @"getBatteryLevel"                  isEqualToString                  :                  call                  .                  method                  ])                  {                  int                  batteryLevel                  =                  [                  weakSelf                  getBatteryLevel                  ];                  if                  (                  batteryLevel                  ==                  -                  1                  )                  {                  result                  ([                  FlutterError                  errorWithCode                  :                  @"UNAVAILABLE"                  message:                  @"Battery level not available."                  details:                  nil                  ]);                  }                  else                  {                  result                  (                  @                  (                  batteryLevel                  ));                  }                  }                  else                  {                  result                  (                  FlutterMethodNotImplemented                  );                  }                  }];                              

You should now be able to run the app on iOS. If using the iOS Simulator, note that it doesn't support battery APIs, and the app displays 'Battery level not available'.

Step 5: Add a Windows platform-specific implementation

Start by opening the Windows host portion of your Flutter app in Visual Studio:

  1. Run flutter build windows in your project directory once to generate the Visual Studio solution file.

  2. Start Visual Studio.

  3. Select Open a project or solution.

  4. Navigate to the directory holding your Flutter app, then into the build folder, then the windows folder, then select the batterylevel.sln file. Click Open.

Add the C++ implementation of the platform channel method:

  1. Expand batterylevel > Source Files in the Solution Explorer.

  2. Open the file flutter_window.cpp.

First, add the necessary includes to the top of the file, just after #include "flutter_window.h":

                          #include              <flutter/event_channel.h>                              #include              <flutter/event_sink.h>                              #include              <flutter/event_stream_handler_functions.h>                              #include              <flutter/method_channel.h>                              #include              <flutter/standard_method_codec.h>                              #include              <windows.h>                                          #include              <memory>                                                  

Edit the FlutterWindow::OnCreate method and create a flutter::MethodChannel tied to the channel name

                          bool              FlutterWindow              ::              OnCreate              ()              {              // ...              RegisterPlugins              (              flutter_controller_              ->              engine              ());              flutter              ::              MethodChannel              <>              channel              (              flutter_controller_              ->              engine              ()              ->              messenger              (),              ""              ,              &              flutter              ::              StandardMethodCodec              ::              GetInstance              ());              channel              .              SetMethodCallHandler              (              [](              const              flutter              ::              MethodCall              <>&              call              ,              std              ::              unique_ptr              <              flutter              ::              MethodResult              <>>              result              )              {              // TODO              });              SetChildContent              (              flutter_controller_              ->              view              ()              ->              GetNativeWindow              ());              return              true              ;              }                      

Next, add the C++ code that uses the Windows battery APIs to retrieve the battery level. This code is exactly the same as you would write in a native Windows application.

Add the following as a new function at the top of flutter_window.cpp just after the #include section:

                          static              int              GetBatteryLevel              ()              {              SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS              status              ;              if              (              GetSystemPowerStatus              (              &              status              )              ==              0              ||              status              .              BatteryLifePercent              ==              255              )              {              return              -              1              ;              }              return              status              .              BatteryLifePercent              ;              }                      

Finally, complete the setMethodCallHandler() method added earlier. You need to handle a single platform method, getBatteryLevel(), so test for that in the call argument. The implementation of this platform method calls the Windows code written in the previous step. If an unknown method is called, report that instead.

Remove the following code:

                          channel              .              SetMethodCallHandler              (              [](              const              flutter              ::              MethodCall              <>&              call              ,              std              ::              unique_ptr              <              flutter              ::              MethodResult              <>>              result              )              {              // TODO              });                      

And replace with the following:

                          channel              .              SetMethodCallHandler              (              [](              const              flutter              ::              MethodCall              <>&              call              ,              std              ::              unique_ptr              <              flutter              ::              MethodResult              <>>              result              )              {              if              (              call              .              method_name              ()              ==              "getBatteryLevel"              )              {              int              battery_level              =              GetBatteryLevel              ();              if              (              battery_level              !=              -              1              )              {              result              ->              Success              (              battery_level              );              }              else              {              result              ->              Error              (              "UNAVAILABLE"              ,              "Battery level not available."              );              }              }              else              {              result              ->              NotImplemented              ();              }              });                      

You should now be able to run the application on Windows. If your device doesn't have a battery, it displays 'Battery level not available'.

Typesafe platform channels using Pigeon

The previous example uses MethodChannel to communicate between the host and client, which isn't typesafe. Calling and receiving messages depends on the host and client declaring the same arguments and datatypes in order for messages to work. You can use the Pigeon package as an alternative to MethodChannel to generate code that sends messages in a structured, typesafe manner.

With Pigeon, the messaging protocol is defined in a subset of Dart that then generates messaging code for Android or iOS. You can find a more complete example and more information on the pigeon page on

Using Pigeon eliminates the need to match strings between host and client for the names and datatypes of messages. It supports: nested classes, grouping messages into APIs, generation of asynchronous wrapper code and sending messages in either direction. The generated code is readable and guarantees there are no conflicts between multiple clients of different versions. Supported languages are Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, and Swift (with Objective-C interop).

Pigeon example

Pigeon file:

            import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';  class SearchRequest {   String query = ''; }  class SearchReply {   String result = ''; }  @HostApi() abstract class Api {   Future search(SearchRequest request); }          

Dart usage:

            import 'generated_pigeon.dart';  Future<void> onClick() async {   SearchRequest request = SearchRequest()..query = 'test';   Api api = SomeApi();   SearchReply reply = await;   print('reply: ${reply.result}'); }          

Separate platform-specific code from UI code

If you expect to use your platform-specific code in multiple Flutter apps, you might consider separating the code into a platform plugin located in a directory outside your main application. See developing packages for details.

Publish platform-specific code as a package

To share your platform-specific code with other developers in the Flutter ecosystem, see publishing packages.

Custom channels and codecs

Besides the above mentioned MethodChannel, you can also use the more basic BasicMessageChannel, which supports basic, asynchronous message passing using a custom message codec. You can also use the specialized BinaryCodec, StringCodec, and JSONMessageCodec classes, or create your own codec.

You might also check out an example of a custom codec in the cloud_firestore plugin, which is able to serialize and deserialize many more types than the default types.

Channels and platform threading

When invoking channels on the platform side destined for Flutter, invoke them on the platform's main thread. When invoking channels in Flutter destined for the platform side, invoke on the root Isolate. The platform side's handlers can execute on the platform's main thread or they can execute on a background thread if using a Task Queue. You can invoke the platform side handlers asynchronously and on any thread when the Task Queue API is available; otherwise, they must be invoked on the platform thread.

Executing channel handlers on background threads

In order for a channel's platform side handler to execute on a background thread, you must use the Task Queue API. Currently this feature is only supported on iOS and Android.

In Java:

                          @Override              public              void              onAttachedToEngine              (              @NonNull              FlutterPluginBinding              binding              )              {              BinaryMessenger              messenger              =              binding              .              getBinaryMessenger              ();              BinaryMessenger              .              TaskQueue              taskQueue              =              messenger              .              makeBackgroundTaskQueue              ();              channel              =              new              MethodChannel              (              messenger              ,              ""              ,              StandardMethodCodec              .              INSTANCE              ,              taskQueue              );              channel              .              setMethodCallHandler              (              this              );              }                      

In Kotlin:

                          override              fun              onAttachedToEngine              (              @NonNull              flutterPluginBinding              :              FlutterPlugin              .              FlutterPluginBinding              )              {              val              taskQueue              =              flutterPluginBinding              .              binaryMessenger              .              makeBackgroundTaskQueue              ()              channel              =              MethodChannel              (              flutterPluginBinding              .              binaryMessenger              ,              ""              ,              StandardMethodCodec              .              INSTANCE              ,              taskQueue              )              channel              .              setMethodCallHandler              (              this              )              }                      

In Swift:

                          public              static              func              register              (              with              registrar              :              FlutterPluginRegistrar              )              {              let              taskQueue              =              registrar              .              messenger              .              makeBackgroundTaskQueue              ()              let              channel              =              FlutterMethodChannel              (              name              :              ""              ,              binaryMessenger              :              registrar              .              messenger              (),              codec              :              FlutterStandardMethodCodec              .              sharedInstance              ,              taskQueue              :              taskQueue              )              let              instance              =              MyPlugin              ()              registrar              .              addMethodCallDelegate              (              instance              ,              channel              :              channel              )              }                      

In Objective-C:

                          +              (              void              )              registerWithRegistrar              :(              NSObject              <              FlutterPluginRegistrar              >*              )              registrar              {              NSObject              <              FlutterTaskQueue              >*              taskQueue              =              [[              registrar              messenger              ]              makeBackgroundTaskQueue              ];              FlutterMethodChannel              *              channel              =              [              FlutterMethodChannel              methodChannelWithName              :              @""              binaryMessenger:              [              registrar              messenger              ]              codec:              [              FlutterStandardMethodCodec              sharedInstance              ]              taskQueue:              taskQueue              ];              MyPlugin              *              instance              =              [[              MyPlugin              alloc              ]              init              ];              [              registrar              addMethodCallDelegate              :              instance              channel              :              channel              ];              }                      

Jumping to the UI thread in Android

To comply with channels' UI thread requirement, you might need to jump from a background thread to Android's UI thread to execute a channel method. In Android, you can accomplish this by post()ing a Runnable to Android's UI thread Looper, which causes the Runnable to execute on the main thread at the next opportunity.

In Java:

                          new              Handler              (              Looper              .              getMainLooper              ()).              post              (              new              Runnable              ()              {              @Override              public              void              run              ()              {              // Call the desired channel message here.              }              });                      

In Kotlin:

                          Handler              (              Looper              .              getMainLooper              ()).              post              {              // Call the desired channel message here.              }                      

Jumping to the main thread in iOS

To comply with channel's main thread requirement, you might need to jump from a background thread to iOS's main thread to execute a channel method. Youc an accomplish this in iOS by executing a block on the main dispatch queue:

In Objective-C:

                          dispatch_async              (              dispatch_get_main_queue              (),              ^              {              // Call the desired channel message here.              });                      

In Swift:

                          DispatchQueue              .              main              .              async              {              // Call the desired channel message here.              }              


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